4 Star SCORE

4 Star SCORE
May 2024

AverNoble Achieves 4-Star SCORE Rating from SME Corporation Malaysia

AverNoble, a prominent professional training and consultancy service provider, has achieved a prestigious 4-Star rating from SME Corporation Malaysia under the SME Competitiveness Rating for Enhancement (SCORE) program. This achievement highlights AverNoble's commitment to enhancing the competitiveness and capabilities of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Malaysia.

SCORE, a diagnostic tool introduced in 2007, serves as a comprehensive assessment framework to rate and enhance the competitiveness of SMEs based on their performance and capabilities. Initially piloted in the manufacturing sector to evaluate the effectiveness of grants received by companies to improve their business performance, the SCORE process has gained acceptance across various sub-sectors in Malaysia. The assessment provides a reliable measure of competitiveness and capabilities at the firm level and has been utilised for business matching purposes to facilitate better market access and access to finance.

Achieving a 4-Star SCORE rating brings significant benefits to AverNoble:

  1. The certification is a gateway to SME development programs, enabling AverNoble to access various resources and support to enhance SMEs' growth and capabilities.
  2. The rating facilitates valuable linkages between AverNoble and large companies or multinational corporations (MNCs), opening doors for potential collaborations and partnerships to further strengthen services.
  3. The SCORE rating helps identify export-ready companies, positioning AverNoble to expand their reach and access new markets, facilitating greater market access and international growth opportunities.

AverNoble's achievement of a 4-star rating under the SCORE program is attributed to several key characteristics that demonstrate their commitment to excellence and compliance:

  1. AverNoble has fully embraced automation in their operations, leveraging technology to streamline processes and enhance efficiency. This dedication to automation enables them to deliver their services effectively and efficiently to their clients.
  2. AverNoble consistently invests in product and process improvements, continuously seeking ways to enhance the quality and value of their offerings. This proactive approach to improvement ensures that they stay at the forefront of their industry and consistently deliver top-notch services.
  3. AverNoble's high rating indicates that they are actively engaged in exporting activities, positioning them as a global player in their field.
  4. Their certification for export demonstrates their commitment to meeting international standards and regulations, further bolstering their credibility and opening doors to new markets.

Overall, AverNoble's 4-star rating highlights their adherence to best practices, innovation, and global competitiveness.

For More Information

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[email protected]
Phone :
+603 8604 8655

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